Zach Saunders, LCDC

Manager of Youth & Young Adult Services

Zach Saunders manages the staff and services that supports our youth programs. He enjoys also being a mentor and guide on the long road of recovery. He loves helping kids re-discover themselves and find out who they are without drugs and alcohol, to discover their purpose through the application of spiritual principles learned in working the 12 steps.

This work is important to him because he remembers very well how hard it can be when you are young. He believes that everyone deserves to be heard and validated, supported and encouraged rather than discouraged from living their dreams. He lives to share his love of nature and vision of peace with others through art and music appreciation, hiking and exploring, accepting challenges and facing things head on in sobriety.

When not at work he likes taking care of himself, spending time with his little family, reading comics and memoirs, digging through stacks of records at thrift stores and flea markets, jamming on the drums, breathing clean air, doing yoga, jogging around his neighborhood, occasionally writing, camping, traveling, but most enjoys doing absolutely nothing. This is essential to who he truly is.