Terry Valera, MHPS, RSPS

Family Peer Specialist

Terry Valera is a native San Antonian who was a Registered Nurse for 36 years and retired in January 2022. She is married, has 3 kids and 2 grandchildren. Her granddaughter brought her to Rise in 2019. Since then Terry’s family has grown to include the Rise family.

From the first meeting I attended, the Rise counselors and groups made me feel welcome and I never felt judged. I was approached to join the Rise team, so after 6 months of retirement I was sure God had a purpose for me.

Through Group Meetings, working the 12 Steps Program, prayer and meditation, I’ve acquired the tools to live with addictions in the family. In my spare time I love gardening, walking, traveling and floating in my pool. I’m looking forward to a new career with Rise Recovery.