Success Story: Hannah

“My son’s addiction brought me … and my sick family system in for help. I was on Family Death Watch. That is no longer true… My counselor and sponsor listen to my fears and hurts and provide me comfort, perspective, and wisdom. That has included my “panic” phone calls to them when I was alone at day-time or night-time. They have helped me through the Twelve Steps, with endless love and patience. I have gone through many terrible fires of hurt – and the grace of transformation. They really know who I am, and it’s okay. The Twelve Steps really work, even in spite of my best efforts. My life has changed in ways I thought impossible and hopeless. I still have a ways to go. I’m amazed that I’m a sponsor now (the 12th Step). That was another brave and healthy surrender to my Higher Power, and it’s been good for me. Thank you for reading my story.”