Pictured are Rise Recovery staff members Edie Garza, Justin Hewett and Jessica Alcala along with Harlandale ISD’s mascot. Harlandale ISD serves over 12,000 students and is one of several area school districts supported by the San Antonio Mobile Mental Wellness Collaborative.
“I feel like I’m not only understanding others more, I am understanding me.” Those are powerful words coming from one of our Youth Leadership students at Harlandale ISD. We asked the students to share what they have taken away from our new in-school program, here are a few more quotes, “I am always learning something new” and “I’ve learned it’s ok to not be ok, to always talk about it and seek help.” Breaking the stigma and supporting those struggling with their mental health is what this year-long program and our partnership with the San Antonio Mobile Mental Wellness Collaborative is all about!
READ MORE about this program and its new partnership with the Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute, as reported on January 16, 2022 by Brooke Crum in the San Antonio Report.