Category: Success Stories

I want to be a pumpkin cleaner

A Poem by Natalie Hope Mosqueda   Age 1 – The world is my oyster and I am here to eat it. 3 – I want to be a pumpkin cleaner, but only the insides, because the outsides are gross. 6 – I have all the art I made that… Read More»

Top 10 Ways to Practice Self-Care

By Michelli Ramon Self-care is a good thing, there’s no arguing that. But like many good things, the spirit of its intent is sometimes warped by unrealistic expectations and our tendencies to perfect and compare. In my own life, self-care began to feel like one more thing I couldn’t get… Read More»

4 Tips to Help Love Ones Stay Sober on New Year’s

The holiday season is full of celebrations – and in many cases indulgences of food and alcohol – especially on New Year’s Eve. But, for many people in early recovery, those occasions present temptations that can derail progress. While avoiding parties with alcohol and drugs is a smart choice for… Read More»